Japan > Shikoku Area > Imabari
Sunrise and Sunset/Tides
Sunrise and Sunset
imabari | ||
Date | Sunrise/Sunset | Time |
2024/12/23 | Sunrise | 07:10 |
2024/12/23 | Sunset | 17:04 |
2024/12/24 | Sunrise | 07:11 |
2024/12/24 | Sunset | 17:04 |
This information posted here is only reference.
Please use the tide table (Japan Coast Guard publication) for navigation.
imabari | ||
Date | Time | Tide Level |
2024/12/23 | 03:48 | 240 cm |
2024/12/23 | 09:46 | 114 cm |
2024/12/23 | 16:21 | 283 cm |
2024/12/23 | 23:02 | 119 cm |
2024/12/24 | 05:10 | 238 cm |
2024/12/24 | 10:56 | 137 cm |
2024/12/24 | 17:15 | 271 cm |