Meteorological Information
Time of Observation : 2024/12/22 01:55
Station | Wind Direction | Wind Speed | Atmospheric Pressure | Wave Height |
torigakubimisaki_lt | WNW | 13 m | 1006 hPa | - |
sawasakihana_lt | N | 17 m | - | - |
hajikisaki_lt | NNW | 16 m | 1004 hPa | - |
fushiki_dl | SSW | 3 m | - | - |
hegurashima_lt | NNW | 17 m | 1007 hPa | - |
Sunrise and Sunset
niigata | ||
Date | Sunrise/Sunset | Time |
2024/12/22 | Sunrise | 06:56 |
2024/12/22 | Sunset | 16:28 |
2024/12/23 | Sunrise | 06:57 |
2024/12/23 | Sunset | 16:29 |
niigata | ||
Date | Time | Tide Level |
2024/12/22 | 01:13 | 17 cm |
2024/12/22 | 06:04 | 21 cm |
2024/12/22 | 13:59 | 5 cm |
2024/12/22 | 21:09 | 18 cm |
2024/12/23 | 02:47 | 14 cm |
2024/12/23 | 07:11 | 17 cm |
2024/12/23 | 14:18 | 8 cm |
2024/12/23 | 21:27 | 18 cm |
This information posted here is only reference.
Please use the tide table (Japan Coast Guard publication) for navigation.