
Time of Observation  2025/03/14 02:25

Legends of wind direction & speed

Meteorological Information

Time of Observation : 2025/03/14 02:25

Station Wind Direction Wind Speed Atmospheric Pressure Wave Height
shionomisaki_lt NNE 2 m 1022 hPa -
tomogashima_lt NNW 8 m - -
togashirashima_lt WNW 4 m - -
sumotooki_aisss N   7 m - CALM

Sunrise and Sunset

Date Sunrise/Sunset Time
2025/03/14 Sunrise 06:11
2025/03/14 Sunset 18:06
2025/03/15 Sunrise 06:10
2025/03/15 Sunset 18:07


Date Time Tide Level
2025/03/14 06:14 165 cm
2025/03/14 12:08 43 cm
2025/03/14 18:09 169 cm
2025/03/15 00:22 19 cm
2025/03/15 06:34 167 cm
2025/03/15 12:34 34 cm
2025/03/15 18:41 169 cm

This information posted here is only reference.
Please use the tide table (Japan Coast Guard publication) for navigation.